Centro Musicale

  • Via Val Pellice, 85/95 
    00141 Roma

  • 06•8861046
  •  338-3545951
  • Lun / Ven - 10:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 - 19:30
    Sab - 10:00 -13:00 pomeriggio chiuso

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Zoom U24 Scheda Audio

Zoom U24 Scheda Audio

The U-24 is a compact, 2-in/4-out audio interface that provides all of the essential tools you need for recording and performing with high resolution, 24-bit/96 kHz audio—anywhere you go. Get incredible sound quality thanks to high-quality, low-noise preamps—the same ones found on our acclaimed H5 and H6 Handy Recorders. Connect to your PC, Mac, or iPhone/iPad via USB and record mics, instruments, and more. The U-24 delivers the same great sound as our U-44 interface, with a more streamlined feature set.

The U-24 is a compact, 2-in/4-out audio interface that provides all of the essential tools you need for recording and performing with high resolution, 24-bit/96 kHz audio—anywhere you go. Get incredible sound quality thanks to high-quality, low-noise preamps—the same ones found on our acclaimed H5 and H6 Handy Recorders. Connect to your PC, Mac, or iPhone/iPad via USB and record mics, instruments, and more. The U-24 delivers the same great sound as our U-44 interface, with a more streamlined feature set.

Handy Audio Interface

72,00 €

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Importo dell' IVA: 12,98 € ( 22% )

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Società Centro Musicale srl
Sede: Via Val Pellice, 85 - 00141 Roma
Partita IVA: 01885931004
Iscritta al REA, numero RM-636224

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® Centro musicale SRL - Tutti i diritti riservati

Centro Musicale

  • Via Val Pellice, 85/95 
    00141 Roma

  • 06•8861046

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  • Mar/ Sab - 10:00 - 13:00 / 15:30 - 19:30
    Lun - matt chiuso - 15:30-19:30

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